

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Education, education, education

That was Mr. Tony Blair's motto at 1994 elections. I never set the saying aside, as the funniest, strangest and most concerning (why not) Education news keep on coming from England. I still remember a last year report about the WW II left out from some English High School (do not remeber exactly which one and where, sorry) program in order not to offend Arab pupils. Gosh. Fun never ends in English education, though. The latest news is about Primary School education. According to the plan drawn up by the former Ostfed Chief Sir Jim Rose - which is due to be published next month - children will no longer have to study the Victorians or the second World War. In fact, both issues will be optional in the program, whereas pupils will be required to leave the school familiar 
with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication - which would be compulsory. They also must gain "fluency" in handwriting and keyboard skills, and learn how to use a spellchecker alongside how to spell. Ya can get the whole pic here...

Non ho voglia di scrivere in italiano adesso, credo che la versione inglese sia sufficiente per stasera...e il link è lo stesso! ;-)

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